Here are some things you can start doing today:
—Keep some utensils in your bag so whenever you are eating out you
never have to grab a plastic fork, spoon or knife. (think salad
restaurants, ice cream shops, fast food).
—Go Cloth!! Ditch the paper napkins and use cloth instead. Keep a small
laundry bag in your kitchen to make your life easier. I like to add them
to my towels each week so Im not doing an extra load of laundry.
—Invest in a good coffee cup and water bottle. The hard part is always
remembering to bring it with you but it’s so worth it.
—Refill …not just at at Good Bottle but at the grocery store. Switch
your snacks from single packages to items from the bulk section or
buy bigger and use your sustainable baggies to convert your bulk
snacks to an individual snack pack.
—Find some old shirts and towels and cut them up to use for cleaning
products. I stoped using the single-use wipes and floor cleaners….
2 less things you have to buy each month.